Community Access Programming

Community Access Programming

Southwest Community Television (SWTV) – Southwest Community Television manages public, educational and governmental (PEG) access channels available to cable television subscribers in Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield, Minnesota (Member Cities). For more information please contact Dan Carpenter, Community Television Administrator, at 952-826-0344 or

The Community Television Administrator and the City of Edina coordinate the playback of public access programming for the Member Cities as well as the government programming for the cities of Edina and Eden Prairie. Programming for the educational channel is produced by the six school districts in the SWSCC’s service area. Programming for the government channel in the cities of Hopkins, Minnetonka and Richfield is handled by each city, respectively.

Below are the PEG access channel numbers for Comcast.

Channel Name

Comcast #

Public Channel Channel 15 (SD) – 799 (HD)
Education Channel Channel 14 (SD) – 798 (HD)
Government Channel Channel 16 (SD)

Eden Prairie, Edina, and Hopkins
Channel 813 (HD)

Channel 859 (HD)

Channel 1084 (HD)

